Revolutionizing Cognitive Care for Older Adults

Innovative Programs & Support for Professionals & Families

Caregiver Resources

Find a Memory Keepers Provider

Certified Memory Keepers Providers can conduct classes for individuals or groups. Contact a Memory Keepers Provider to join a class!

Britt Lueken

Provides virtual individual Memory Keepers sessions nationwide. Provides virtual Memory Keepers groups nationwide.
Insurance: No


Cheryl M Kinney

Provides virtual individual Memory Keepers sessions to residents of Missouri. In person in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Insurance: Yes


Jennifer Frieswick

Provides virtual individual Memory Keepers sessions to residents of Missouri. In person in the St. Louis metropolitan area.
Insurance: Yes


Susan Witus Headshot

Susan Witus

Directions in Senior Care Logo

Provides virtual individual and group Memory Keepers sessions nationwide.
Provides in person sessions in the MI area.
Insurance: No


Community Partners

Which senior service organizations are dedicated to exceptional care? Meet our innovative community partners!

Harmonic Health

Dementia care with candor and compassion

Jewish Family Service

Cincinnati Older Adult Services: 513‑469-1188

Lindenwood Area Senior Ministry

Enhancing the quality of life of older adults in the Lindenwood Park Neighborhood. 314-647-4591

Seniors Home Care

Providing Professional & Compassionate St. Louis-Area Care for over 37 years

Mid County: 314-962-2666
West County: 636-225-2600
Clayton/Ladue: 314-863-2667
South County: 314-894-2666

Right at Home

Award Winning Home Care. Need help right now? Call us anytime 314‑567-5545

The Sarah Community

Where Quality of Care Meets Faith

Phone: 314-377-7361

Other Resources for Family Caregivers

Alzheimer’s Association

24/7 Helpline, online resources, support groups, education programs

24/7 Helpline: 800.272.3900

Caregiver Page

Clinical Trials Page

Eldercare Locater

phone: 800.677.1116

Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

phone: 866.507.7222

Information from the National Information on Aging:

Family Caregiver Alliance

Support groups, Connections e-newsletter

phone: 800.445.8106

Caregiver Action Network

Caregiver Helpdesk: 855.227.3640

Memory Cafe Directory

Find Memory Cafes worldwide, plus helpful tips for caregivers.

Caregiver Club

Caregiver Cards
Make outings and daily interactions more comfortable for caregivers and for individuals with Dementia with our cards